
Today I Went to "David"

Let's see what I learn


Animal Idioms

As busy as a bee /beaver.

As happy as a clam (at high tide / in butter sauce).

                 a fly in pie.

                 a pig in mud.

                 a peacock.

As slow as tortiose / molasses.

As stubborn as a mule.

As strong as an ox.

As blind as a bat.

As gruff as a bear.

As crazy as a june bug

As cute as a bug's ear.

As free as bird.

As weak as cat.

As sick as dog.

As gentle as lamb.

Like a fish out of water.

Like a bull in a china shop.

Like a fox in a hen house.

Like a ton of bricks.







Still have any idioms.

You can google "Animal Idioms".




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